We recommend that you use Mosaic Terminal, the terminal program that comes with the Mosaic IDE. You are now ready to talk with your QScreen Controller!
If you choose ‘No’ and restart later we recommend that to assure a full restart you fully shutdown your computer and restart it lesser restarts don’t always restart fully. Be sure to choose ‘Yes’ when asked to restart – if you don’t, the installation may not complete properly. When the installation is complete, you will need to restart your computer unless you are installing onto a Windows 2000 machine. Please Contact Us if you have any questions. However, the Mosaic IDE requires all of its components to work properly. The ‘Custom’ setup option can be used if another version of either TextPad (the editor used within the Mosaic IDE), the Mosaic Terminal (previously called QED-Term), or an earlier version of the Mosaic IDE has already been installed.
#Textpad license details are not correct error install
If you wish to install into a different directory, you may type in any pathname provided that it does not contain any spaces. We recommend that you use the default installation directory ("C:\Mosaic\") and choose ‘Typical Setup’ when asked. If the installer does not launch automatically, browse to your computer’s CD drive using the ‘My Computer’ icon and double click on ‘Setup.exe’ to manually launch the installer. To install the IDE onto your PC, first insert the Installation CD-ROM into your CD Drive. It includes the Control-C Compiler, a full-featured editor and a communications terminal to speed the programming and debugging of your application.
The Mosaic IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is provided on an installation CD- ROM.